Immer die Liebe
01.10.2011Norman Klingers book of Sonnets „Immer die Liebe“ – Always Love – is now on the bookshelves. The poems are partly in German, partly English and have been illustrated by... Artikel ansehen
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Norman Klingers book of Sonnets „Immer die Liebe“ – Always Love – is now on the bookshelves. The poems are partly in German, partly English and have been illustrated by... Artikel ansehen
Norman Klingers wunderschönes Buch Sonnete „Immer die Liebe“ ist jetzt gedruckt und erscheint im November. Die Gedichte sind teils Deutsch, teils English und sind illustriert von mir und vom Tom... Artikel ansehen
Wedding painting for Katrin and Florian When asked by the mother of the bride to create a picture for guests to paint at the wedding reception, I was sceptical about... Artikel ansehen
Wedding painting for Katrin and Florian When asked by the mother of the bride to create a picture for guests to paint at the wedding reception, I was sceptical about... Artikel ansehen
A lovely idea from Doris Koschyk, Forchheim Library – an exhibition of Italian pictures für the summer months for all those who can’t get away on holiday this year. Viaggio... Artikel ansehen